The AOC seeks the services of a service provider with extensive expertise in multiple format publishing to be the official publisher of the Judicial Council's civil and criminal jury instructions. This service provider will publish both sets of jury instructions in book, standalone CD-ROM, and interactive software program format. The service provider may also publish the jury instructions via a commercial online database. The service provider will provide free copies to judicial branch personnel and perform other related services. The service provider will pay the AOC a royalty for copies of the jury instructions sold or licensed. The service provider would be entitled to call itself the official publisher of the Judicial Council's jury instructions. Written proposals must be received no later than 1:00 p.m. on August 25, 2006. Hard copy proposals must be delivered to: There will be no pre-proposal bidder's conference for this Request for Proposal (RFP). Any questions regarding this RFP No. OGC-0206-SS must be sent tosolicitations@jud.ca.gov no later than 1:00 p.m., August 18, 2006. Further details regarding solicitation and program requirements are set forth in the RFP No. OGC-0206-SS and related documents below.
Judicial Council of California
Administrative Office of the Courts
Attn: Nadine McFadden, RFP No. OGC-0206-SS
455 Golden Gate Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94102
The Judicial Council, as a public entity, prohibits direct contact with any Council personnel during the solicitation process in order to maintain fairness and equality to all proposers. Proposers are specifically directed NOT to contact any judicial branch entity personnel or consultants for meetings, conferences, or discussions that are related to the solicitation at any time between release of the solicitation and any award and execution of a contract. Unauthorized contact with any judicial branch entity personnel or consultants may be cause for rejection of the Proposer’s proposal.