Request for Proposal

Enterprise Document Management System, RFP #IT-DMS-2016-01-MDS

  • Status
  • Archived


Update: December 13, 2016
Intent to Award

Update: December 7, 2016
Technical non-Cost Proposal Scores

Update: November 1, 2016
Addendum 2

Update: October 21, 2016
Addendum 1

Update: October 14, 2016
Questions and Answers

The Judicial Council of California (the “JCC”), established in 1926, is authorized by the California Constitution as the policymaking body and administrative manager of California’s judicial branch. The JCC is interested in procuring a SaaS (Software as a Service) hosted enterprise document management solution for the all of the Appellate Courts of California including the Supreme Court of California, and Judicial Council Offices.

The enterprise document management solution the JCC is seeking will capture, store, manage, share, preserve and deliver Appellate Court e-filed and manually filed cases for all of the Appellate Courts throughout California (including the Supreme Court) and support the Judicial Council Offices’ document management business needs.

The response to DMS RFP should include proposals for implementation, hosting, licensing and maintenance of a SaaS document management solution for:

  • Each of the six (6) separate California Courts of Appeal and the Supreme Court of California which are composed of a total of nine separate court locations across the State of California. This implementation will be accomplished in a staggered approach by court location.
  • The Judicial Council’s organization as each department elects implementation. The implementation across the internal departments will occur in a staggered approach.

This RFP will result in not more than two Notices of Intent to Award a contract.

This RFP Package Includes:

  • DMS RFP (Including all Appendices)

Responses to this RFP will be evaluated in accordance with the evaluation methodology outline in Section VIII, Proposal Evaluation.

Proposals must be received by November 3, 2016, no later than 5:00pm (PDT).

Note: Questions regarding this RFP should be directed to and must be received by October 4, 2016, no later than 5:00pm (PDT).

Hard copy RFP documentation must be delivered to:
Judicial Council of California
Attn: Mr. Mark Sobecki, RFP# IT-DMS-2016-01-MDS
455 Golden Gate Avenue, 6th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94102-3688

Further information regarding this solicitation and its requirements are set forth in RFP # IT-DMS-2016-01-MDS and the related documents provided below:

Cover Sheet
Section I - Introduction
Section II - Rules Governing Competition
Section III - Current and Future State
Section IV - Administrative Requirements (Updated October 5, 2016)
Section V - Proposed Solution Requirements (Updated October 5, 2016)
Section VI - Pricing Proposal
Section VII - Proposal Format (Updated October 7, 2016)
Section VIII - Proposal Evaluation

Appendix A - Statement of Work (SOW) (Updated September 21, 2016)
Appendix B01 - Technical Requirements (Updated October 13, 2016)
Appendix B02 - Implementation Support Requirements (Updated September 21, 2016)
Appendix B03 - Appellate Court Functional Requirements
Appendix B03a - Appellate Court Business Requirements
Appendix B04 - Optional Future Implementation
Appendix B04a - Work Order
Appendix B04b - Cost Estimate
Appendix C - Bidder’s Response Template (Updated October 7, 2016)
Appendix D - Cost Workbook (Updated September 21, 2016)
Appendix E - Reports, Interfaces, Conversions
Appendix F - Bidders Library Contents List (Updated October 7, 2016)
Appendix G - Glossary
Appendix H - Master Agreement

Attachment 1 - Proposer’s Acceptance of Terms and Conditions
Attachment 2 - General Certifications Form
Attachment 3 - Small Business Declaration
Attachment 4 - Payee Data Record
Attachment 5 - DVBE Declaration
Attachment 6 - Bidders Declaration for DVBE
Attachment 7 - Iran Contracting Act Certification
Attachment 8 - Proposed Consultants Titles



The Judicial Council, as a public entity, prohibits direct contact with any Council personnel during the solicitation process in order to maintain fairness and equality to all proposers. Proposers are specifically directed NOT to contact any judicial branch entity personnel or consultants for meetings, conferences, or discussions that are related to the solicitation at any time between release of the solicitation and any award and execution of a contract. Unauthorized contact with any judicial branch entity personnel or consultants may be cause for rejection of the Proposer’s proposal.